"Your Story. My Camera."

About Me

I never know what to put on the "about me" section of different websites or forms that I fill out.... I guess I will let my fingers do the talking and see where that leads me..

I am a mom of 3 kids ages 18, 16 and 5, a wife of 10 years to my husband Michael, a daughter, a daughter in-law, a granddaughter, a sister, a stay at home mom, a volunteer on the photo team at my church, a best friend, a pre-schoool teacher, a shoulder to cry on, a photographer and just about anything else that I need to be at any given time. (none of those in any particular order)

I love to spend time at the ocean as it is my place to recharge and let go of my stress and worries. I love to snuggle on the couch with my 4 cats (yes I am a crazy cat lady - at least my husband thinks so) and I can't sleep at night if I don't have all of them inside and accounted for before I close my eyes for the night. I love my children to pieces. All 3 of them are so different in such amazing ways. My daughter is outgoing and loves to chat my ear off about "life" or anything else that comes to her mind. She is happy snuggle up on the couch watching Criminal Minds or to get out early on a Saturday morning checking out local yard sales for new treasures. She loves to go shopping for new clothes or to go in search of little Boutique stores to find something different and stylish. My oldest son is a quiet, yet very wise and thoughtful kid. He would rather hang out watching cartoons than being out and about unless it includes hiking,dirt biking, boating or riding his skateboard. Shopping is defniately not his forte`. He doesn't talk much about "life", but when he does you listen as it is very heartfelt and thought out. My youngest son is a combination of the older two kids. He is very outgoing and friendly, but likes to ponder and figure out how things work. He is always up for getting out of the house even if it is just for a walk to the park. He will talk your ear off and is rarely quiet, but at the same time loves to snuggle up on the couch and watch a good Disney movie with you.

I spent the first 14 years of my life living in North Hollywood, California. My Freshman year of High School, my parents moved our family from Southern California to Northern California where we lived in a little town called Cool.. Funny I know.. It was pretty cool...(had to say it - haha) I left my parents house when I was 18 (after my first child was born) and have lived between Cool and Roseville, CA for the past 18 years. Moving from the city to the country was a HUGE culture shock and I was very angry at my parents for a long time, but now having kids of my own (and not too long after leaving the city) I am greatful that I have had safer place to raise them.

I have loved Photography since I was very young. I remember getting my very first camera. It was a Vivitar film camera. Haha.. Those were the days. I think my mom spent a fortune developing all of the film I kept giving her. Finally she said "you need to earn your own money, I can't afford to develope your film anymore". I then started raking leaves, washing cars, babysitting, house sitting, pet sitting, having yard sales and doing whatever it took to get a few dollars to develope my film. I got my first digital camera about 8 years ago and have never looked back. I got a little point and shoot Canon, but it was always in my pocket or my purse and went everywhere I did. About 2 years ago I was introduced to the DSLR world. WOW!!! I was in love from the first time I picked up my Nikon D90. I was super intimidated by everything it did, but that gave me the drive to shoot all Manual and get to know everything about my camera quickly. Once I mastered my camera, it was time to learn the editing software. I am still learning about that, but have a basic idea on what I am doing. I thought learning my camera was tough.. Geeze, the possiblities with the editing software out there are endless. I just recently purchased a D700 and have been able to give my D90 a little bit of a break and use it as a backup camera. It is amazing how you can have so much love for a piece of equipment. I love my cameras to pieces and can't wait until I get a chance to use them each and every time.

Over the past 2 years I have struggled to find one particular type of photography to focus on. I just can't seem to do it. There are so many unforgettable memories happening in our world, that I feel narrowing it down would be unfair to myself and my clients. I don't ever want to tell a client that I can't capture their memories forever because I don't do that type of photography. I absolutely adore newborn babies and pregnant women (who doesn't. Right??) but I also love walking and talking to a soon to be graduating Senior High student while we capture their last moments of High Schoool. Or A new family, or a military member home on leave, or a body full of beautiful body art, or a family in the park throwing beautiful fall leaves up in the air, or pictures of a sweet dog who's owner is about to pass away from a terminal disease, or a couple who are newly engaged, an elderly couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.. and the list goes on....

Well now that you know a little (or a lot) about me, thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I look foward to meeting you and your family and capturing your memories forever.

Have a wonderful day!! *HUGS*

- Kim Nodine


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